Our compliance court program is designed to help ensure that defendants and/or respondents in active domestic violence cases are following orders set by the respective Judge presiding their case.
Our Compliance Court Advocate reaches out to defendants/respondents if they are ordered to enroll in batterer's intervention treatment (commonly referred to as BIT), specific fines or fees to be paid, and other programs deemed necessary by the Judge for a case to be considered final. This communication is also arranged so that our office is able to inform the Judge of any updates on enrollment or completion of programs or payments.
Our Compliance Court Advocate also provides information to defendants & respondents looking for treatment facilities in order to complete their classes and informs them of where and how to pay their fines and fees. STOPDV District Court fees can be paid through the links below for PayPal, Square or by check placed in the STOPDV drop box outside Room 306 .
For more information, please reach out to Cristal Ramirez, Compliance Court Advocate, at cramirezstopdv@gmail.com, or by phone at (501)764-6195.
Safety Alert: Abusers may monitor computer use of their victims, and it may not be possible to completely clear browsing history. If you are afraid your internet usage might be monitored, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or the Rise House of Central Arkansas crisis hotline at 1-866-358-2265. You can quickly leave this website and be directed to Google by clicking "Escape" in the navigation menu or at the bottom of any page or by clicking "Go" below. Click the "X" in the top right corner to exit this message.